巴布狄倫 Bob Dylan 1970珍稀錄音選集 (進口3CD)
1970 (3CD)

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    西洋CD 專輯
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    3     (此商品無取貨付款)


★收錄1970年間,錄製”Self Portrait”與”New Morning”兩張專輯間,於錄音室與披頭四成員George Harrison合作之outtake音軌作品
★收錄歌曲包括Dylan自己作品的"One Too Many Mornings," "Gates of Eden," "Mama, You Been On My Mind",以及翻唱如Everly Brothers的作品 "All I Have to Do Is Dream," Carl Perkins` "Matchbox"等傑出歌曲

藉由文字寫下一篇篇可歌可泣的歷史故事,透過音符傳遞一首首永垂不朽的經典樂章,被視為美國20世紀最有影響力的歌手、60年代民權運動的代言人,民謠樂派的先鋒使者Bob Dylan,入選滾石雜誌「史上經典藝人」第二順位,入籍搖滾名人殿堂、納許維爾創作名人殿堂、詞曲創作人殿堂,囊括終身成就在內的12座葛萊美獎加冕,獲頒2008普立茲特別榮譽獎,更在2016年獲得諾貝爾文學獎的至高榮譽,在當時亦廣獲熱議。諾貝爾委員讚許他在美國傳統的歌曲中,開創出新的詩意表達形式。走過歌壇半個世紀,擁有《Blowin` In The Wind》及《Mr. Tambourine Man》等多首永垂不朽的經典名曲,跨越多個世代,在哲學性的詩歌中,吸納美國傳統民謠、搖滾、鄉村、藍調、爵士和搖擺樂元素,不只動聽,更在音樂及文化上展現深厚影響力

專輯曲目 TRACK

1.              I Can`t Help but Wonder Where I`m Bound (March 3, 1970)
2.              Universal Soldier (Take 1 - March 3, 1970)
3.              Spanish Is the Loving Tongue (Take 1 - March 3, 1970)
4.              Went to See the Gypsy (Take 2 - March 3, 1970)
5.              Went to See the Gypsy (Take 3 - March 3, 1970)
6.              Woogie Boogie (March 3, 1970)
7.              Went to See the Gypsy (Take 4 - March 4, 1970)
8.              Thirsty Boots (Take 1 - March 4, 1970)
9.              Little Moses (Take 1 - March 5, 1970)
10.              Alberta (Take 2 - March 5, 1970)
11.              Come All You Fair and Tender Ladies (Take 1)
12.              Things About Comin` My Way (Takes 2 & 3)
13.              Went to See the Gypsy (Take 6)
14.              Untitled 1970 Instrumental #1 (March 5, 1970)
15.              Come a Little Bit Closer (Take 2 - March 5, 1970)
16.              Alberta (Take 5 - March 5, 1970)
17.              Sign on the Window (Take 2 - May 1, 1970)
18.              Sign on the Window (Takes 3, 4 & 5 - May 1, 1970)
19.              If Not for You (Take 1 - May 1, 1970)
20.              Time Passes Slowly (Rehearsal - May 1, 1970)
21.              If Not for You (Take 2 - May 1, 1970)
22.              If Not for You (Take 3 - May 1, 1970)
23.              Song to Woody (Take 1 - May 1, 1970)
24.              Mama, You Been on My Mind (Take 1 - May 1, 1970)
25.              Yesterday (Take 1 - May 1, 1970)
1.              Just Like Tom Thumb`s Blues (Take 1 - May 1, 1970)
2.              I Met Him on a Sunday (Ronde-Ronde) (Take 1 - May 1, 1970)
3.              One Too Many Mornings (Take 1 - May 1, 1970)
4.              Ghost Riders in the Sky (Take 1 - May 1, 1970)
5.              Cupid (Take 1 - May 1, 1970)
6.              All I Have to Do Is Dream (Take 1 - May 1, 1970)
7.              Gates of Eden (Take 1 - May 1, 1970)
8.              I Threw It All Away (Take 1 - May 1, 1970)
9.              I Don`t Believe You (She Acts Like We Never Have Met) (Take 1 - May 1, 1970)
10.              Matchbox (Take 1 - May 1, 1970)
11.              Your True Love (Take 1 - May 1, 1970)
12.              Telephone Wire (Take 1 - May 1, 1970)
13.              Fishing Blues (Take 1 - May 1, 1970)
14.              Honey, Just Allow Me One More Chance (Take 1 - May 1, 1970)
15.              Rainy Day Women #12 & 35 (Take 1 - May 1, 1970)
16.              It Ain`t Me Babe (May 1, 1970)
17.              If Not for You (May 1, 1970)
18.              Sign on the Window (Take 1, Remake - May 1, 1970)
19.              Sign on the Window (Take 2, Remake - May 1, 1970)
20.              Sign on the Window (Take 3, Remake - May 1, 1970)
21.              Alligator Man (June 1, 1970)
22.              Alligator Man [rock version] (June 1, 1970)
23.              Alligator Man [country version] (June 1, 1970)
24.              Sarah Jane 1 (June 1, 1970)
25.              Sign on the Window (June 1, 1970)
26.              Sarah Jane 2 (June 1, 1970)
1.              If Not for You (Take 1 - June 2, 1970)
2.              If Not for You (Take 2 - June 2, 1970)
3.              Jamaica Farewell (June 3, 1970)
4.              Can`t Help Falling in Love (June 3, 1970)
5.              Long Black Veil (June 3, 1970)
6.              One More Weekend (June 3, 1970)
7.              Bring Me Little Water, Sylvie (Take 1 - June 4, 1970)
8.              Three Angels (June 4, 1970)
9.              Tomorrow Is a Long Time (Take 1 - June 4, 1970)
10.              Tomorrow Is a Long Time (Take 2 - June 4, 1970)
11.              New Morning (June 4, 1970)
12.              Untitled 1970 Instrumental #2 (June 4, 1970)
13.              Went to See the Gypsy (June 5, 1970)
14.              Sign on the Window (Stereo Mix - June 5, 1970)
15.              Winterlude (June 5, 1970)
16.              I Forgot to Remember to Forget 1 (June 5, 1970)
17.              I Forgot to Remember to Forget 2 (June 5, 1970)
18.              Lily of the West (Take 2 - June 5, 1970)
19.              Father of Night (Rehearsal - June 5, 1970)
20.              Lily of the West (June 5, 1970)
21.              If Not for You (Take 1 - August 12, 1970)
22.              If Not for You (Take 2 - August 12, 1970)
23.              Day of the Locusts (Take 2 - June 1, 1970)
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