■ 購物流程 看圖解說 Shopping Processes with images |
Music音樂網為了提供您便利、愉快、安全的網路購物環境!特別將購物流程分成以下五個步驟: 1.選取商品放入購物車 (您必須先有會員資格,免費加入會員) 2.登入會員進入SSL安全交易 3.選擇付款方式 及 寄送地區 4.確認訂單 及 寄送資訊 5.送出訂單 完成訂購 程序 To provide convenient, nice and safe shopping environment, please following the five shopping processes: 1. Put items you want in the shopping bag (you should have the membership first. If you don’t, you can sign up to be a member for free.) 2. Sign in. Your information is encrypted by the secure server layer (SSL). 3. Choose method of payment and shipping area. 4. Confirm your order and information of delivery. 5. Placed your order and finished the sopping processes. |
■ 付費方式 About Payment |
為了讓您在Five Music 音樂網消費更簡便,網站特別提供數種彈性的付款方式:
※.2.大陸地區支付寶 (僅限大陸地區) 支付寶付款需加收代收手續費2.8%。退款不退回手續費。 |
■ 運費計算方式 Shipping Rates & Options |
為提供您良好的服務品質,確保您能快速、完整的收到商品,不致有遺失的情況發生,請正確的填寫收件地址,海外包裹以免郵差遞送失敗,FiveMusic音樂網在台灣本島採用宅配快遞,外島和其它地區採用郵局包裹或其它方式遞送。 To provide good service for you and make sure the orders will be delivered soon and without any problems, Five Music use Express Service on shore of Taiwan and use post-office parcel or the other way off shore of Taiwan.*運費計算如下: 海外其它地區(國外) Areas outside Taiwan (foreign countries)
郵局掛號(以下郵費內含處理費) 第二片 亞洲地區每加一片 加NT$80 亞洲以外每加一片加NT$100 大陸快遞 快遞郵局EMS(以下郵費內含處理費)(黑膠唱片第1片需再加200元之後每加1片加100元) 第二片 亞洲地區每加一片 加NT$80 亞洲以外每加一片加NT$120 |
■ 寄送服務 Delivery Service |
在Five Music購物,貨品由黑貓宅配公司配送到您府上,(外島與海外不在此限),為確保您能順利收到商品,收件人與收件地址請詳細填寫確認,避免遺失。貨品內附訂購品項明細表、及發票供您查收。 Your orders will be delivered by the courier after you shop on Five Music (not contain the areas outside Taiwan). To ensure delivery service, please make sure the addressee and shipping address you write are correct. We have the following information ready for you in the package: Order number and receipt.◆ 商品寄出時間 The shipping date *感謝您於本網路購物,網路商店為方便於時間上的不便與偏遠地區訂購與預購, 海外運送時間,依地區而有所不同: 一般郵掛 亞洲地區:約 5~7 天 歐美非地區:約 7~10 天 Delivery times are different cause the areas: Registered Asia: about 5~7 days Europe, Americas and Africa: about 7~10 days *若您訂購之商品無法於正常期限內出貨,我們將以e-mail通知您調貨狀況 If your orders can’t be delivered in the shipping date, we will inform you by email.*如訂購之商品無法順利出貨或缺貨,我們將以e-mail通知您並取消該訂購品項。 If your order item(s) are no longer available, we will inform you promptly and remove the item(s) from your order.*預購與預訂商品以發行日寄出,請單筆下單,以利方便出貨流程,如與其它CD併購, *預購與訂購進口商品,因時間上無法確認海關審查通關時間, *海外包裹將由中華郵政包裹掛號寄出,因遞送過程中無法確保包裝上不被重壓而毀損, *商品如另贈有贈送海報,海外地區未訂購海報筒將以折疊方式與CD併同寄出,
■ 換貨 Exchange |
本網站商品為版權商品,無法拆封試聽與觀賞的鑑賞期,在購買前請詳細閱讀商品資訊、商品規格,下單後,請確認商品的訂購,以避免退換貨問題 請您於收到商品一星期內,詳細檢查商品,Five Music 音樂網銷售的所有商品均提供品質保證,若您收到的商品有瑕疵或損壞或遞送途中因不慎疏失造成商品毀損的情形發生欲辦理換貨時,請勿拆封並且保持商品完整包裝,依下列換貨準則辦理: 2. 國內(不含離島)商品如有瑕疵問題請先與客服連絡,客服確認後將連絡宅配來回件處理。海外地區換貨時請將原完好商品及其內外包裝(出貨單)一併以郵寄包裹掛號寄回 Five Music 音樂網,並在包裹上註明訂貨人姓名,且保留掛號單據以利日後查詢。經 Five Music 音樂網檢查確認產品無誤後,即可辦理換貨。 When return or exchange the item(s), make sure everything is in their original packaging(packing list and receipt). Send everything by post-office registered to Five Music and write your name on it. You can check the registered number if you need. After we make sure everything is correct, we will return it.3.國外客戶訂單商品瑕疵寄回換貨,您代寄之「運費」將以網路帳戶購物金額退回給您,將放入您在Five Music音樂網網站會員帳戶裡(名稱為前期保留金額視同現金),在您下次購物時將會先從裡面扣除,若是您希望直接退款請Email或來電客服人員我們將會為您處理。 Shipping costs of refunds for defective items will be made in Five Music Credit. We will put it in your account of Five Music (it’s named Five Music Credit and we regard as money) and it’ll be billed first when you shop on Five Music next time. If you want us refund the money, please send the email or call the customer service.*訂購後倘任意大量退/換貨,因已造成 Five Music 音樂網作業上之困擾與損害,Five Music 音樂網可視情況採取拒絕交易或永久取消其會員資格辦理。 If you returns/ exchange a large number of items arbitrarily and make Five Music’s business damages, we reserves the right to reject bargain with you or cancelled your membership. PS:海外地區若因商品瑕疵欲辦理換貨,請您來電客戶服務部:886-6-2282886 分機 258、或傳真至 886-6-2285023,我們將儘速為您處理。 Ps: If you are in foreigner countries, please send the email or call the customer service first: 886-6-2282886 # 258、FAX: 886-6-2285023, we will deal with it as soon as possible. |
■ 其它問題 Others |